Bio of Barb Perrine

Being born into a Christian home, Barb was exposed to the Gospel from an early age and throughout her life. As a result the things of God have always been important in her life. At the early age of five, Barb realized she would spend eternity in hell if she did not accept the Lord Jesus Christ as her personal Savior. So, with haste, she asked forgiveness of her sins and invited Christ into her heart. It was with joy she started attending summer camp during her childhood and allowed God to work in her life. It was at camp that she dedicated her life to the Lord to use however he saw fit – wherever He might lead her.

Upon graduation from high school, Barb felt God was leading her to one day teach missionary children overseas. After completing a degree in mathematics education from Bob Jones University, God did not immediately open the door to teach missionary children. Instead He led her to teach at Calvary Christian School in Roseville, MI. All along the journey Barb knew God would one day open the door to teach MKs. His clear direction came after a six-week mission’s trip to Edinburgh, Scotland. One door after another opened as God led Barb to Baptist Mid-Missions and on to teach MKs at Fetzer Memorial Christian Academy in Lima, Peru.

Her 23 years of missionary service in Peru included teaching mathematics to MKs, becoming assistant administrator at the Academy, and working in a local church. Not only was she faithfully serving God at the Academy, but God was preparing her for His next phase in her life. After completion of her fifth term of missionary service in Peru, God has lead her to return to the US to work at Bibles International, as a financial and operational manager, and to watch over her mother as she grows older .

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A Letter from Rick Cross

Dear Ministry Friend,

Barb Perrine is to be commended as an outstanding missionary. She has demonstrated herself to be hard working, accountable, wise and passionate as a servant of Jesus Christ. She has been an integral part of our missionary family. We have enjoyed her faithful and regular updates and unique connection with our church members. Our people think highly of Barb. The ministry enjoyment was amplified during a missions-team visit to Peru in 2009 to fellowship with, encourage and help Barb in her multiple areas of ministry. We found that her co-workers and those to whom she ministers hold her in high regard. She is motivated and focused. Her ministry in Peru has been fruitful and a great pattern for others to follow.

The Lord has now directed Barb to a new phase of ministry with Bibles International. Our church is thankful to be able to continue our financial and prayer support knowing she will apply the same ministry fervor seen for many years in Peru to the new tasks God has set before her.

I commend Barb’s ministry to you. Her involvement with Bibles International has the promise of affecting many with the gospel message for generations. May God take Barb to new heights of effectiveness as she serves God in a special area of ministry.


Rick Cross
Faith Baptist Church
Longmont, Colorado